Spine surgery is a common procedure for people who are experiencing problems with their back. Nowadays, surgical treatment of the degenerative disc disease has transformed from the conventional open spine surgery to minimally invasive spine surgery which includes the main topic for this article, the endoscopic spine surgery. With the consistent improvement in the discovery and introduction of magnetic resonance imaging, there is a bigger chance that the culprit degenerated disc segment will be identified.
In addition to the above paragraph, the endoscopic spine surgery wishes to be the next paradigm shift in the field of minimally invasive spine surgery. The use of endoscopy in the treatment of spine is not actually a novel and unique concept. According to Forst and Hausmann, it is actually a complicated process. There is also the need to use an arthroscope to visualize the contents of the intervertebral disc in 1983 and eventually a description of endoscopic discectomy was followed. However, despite the benefits of the endoscopy process per se, its development is slow because of the lack in studies that support its clinical benefits.
When people say they have back pain, the most common type of injury they experience is the lower back pain. The techniques in Endoscopic are believed to be derived from lumbar spine and now extended to cervical and thoracic. There are available published experiences in endoscopic spine surgery which includes treatment of various diseases, spinal stenosis and other infectious diseases. However, not only endoscopic surgery is the available treatment. Central Texas Spine Institute PLLC (CTSI) located in Austin, Texas, is a private medical practice offering comprehensive spine care, including diagnostic services, conservative treatment modalities, and spine surgery. Dr. Randall F. Dryer is an award-winning spine surgeon and respected innovator in stem cell therapies. Since 1988, Dr. Dryer has been treating patients in Central Texas and from all over the world.
The Benefits of Endoscopic Surgery
There are many benefits of endoscopic surgery. It actually surpasses the advantages of the traditional minimally invasive surgery. There are studies that show that survival rate has increased because of this kind of procedure. There are still studies being conducted to investigate these benefits