Paintings by Artist Gustav Klimt (1905)

The Mother and Child painting is a piece of art that concentrates on women in different phases in their world. The painting was the work of Gustav Klimt (1905), the painting shows a woman and child lying next to her. This piece of art is also referred to as “Le Tre Eta Della Donna”.

Gustav Klimt: Life of an Artist

Gustav Klimt is additionally known for various other paintings that explore the transformations of a woman. Much like poets and riddles (riddlesdb) that depict a woman, Klimt’s depiction of women in his paintings chose less sensual elements but rather use an evocative style as that of the Japanese artwork. Japanese art greatly influenced many painters at that time. The Japanese style had been used in many landscapes and many artworks that show the female form.

Klimt incorporates a lot of Japanese visual techniques in both of his work (Mother and Child and Fishblood) putting great attention on body language and facial expression. His piece of art “Love” was finished six years prior to “Mother and Child”. The painting displayed a straight format that originated from the Japanese style of work.

The figure of the mother has a bit of a wistful quality, along with the figure of the child. This is a feature generally blended into Austrian Symbolist works of art. Klimt’s artwork is valued for that layout and thus, audiences could see symbols that are possibly linked with the world of dreams.

Mother and Child paintings are sometimes known for their symbolism of the European goddess. In some cases, audiences appreciate it because of its hunt for various facets of family life.

Klimt’s painting of The Family displays the bond among the members of a family, as both parents (mother and father) hold their own child. Klimt has 6 other siblings, all of them artistic. Both his parents were creative too. While he came from a poor family, his works of art displayed a family full of love.