Selling Your Masterpieces Online

Do you have exceptional art skills and have created various artworks already? Perhaps, they are now starting to take up space in your home or studio. Have you ever considered selling them online to generate some money out of it? Or, you may have taken some commissioned work already but just not sure how it has to be done.

By this time, it even makes you ask yourself, how to sell art for a living?

Believe it or not, many of the artists are making money simply by accepting custom artwork for clients. It is both a fun and a challenging experience. Of course, there are issues that would come along the way. So before taking the plunge in selling your personal artworks online in Magento, here are few things that must be taken into account first.

How much to Charge for Your Work?

This is a very common question. What’s unfortunate is that, there’s no standard when it comes to pricing and how much artists should charge clients. What has to be considered though, is to never undersell yourself.

When placing a price on your artwork, clients will be valuing it as per the amount they’ve paid you for it. There’s plethora of pricing factors to be considered and it never hurts to go to extreme lengths. You may either give it as gift, which is truly appreciated and give it a priceless value or, give it a top-dollar value.

Either way, the recipient will definitely appreciate it and treasure it forever. If given as gift, it creates a sentimental value and then for high priced, it automatically becomes an investment. So it’s a win-win situation.

Why Underselling Hurts You as an Artist?

Buyers will be valuing the artwork accordingly. Having said that, if they’ve paid 25 dollars for it, then don’t expect them to treasure it as they would have if they paid 2,500 dollars in it. Keep in mind, it is you who set the pricing for your art and how much it is worth. Sell it cheap and it may just end up in garage sale; now that is an eyesore for any artists.