Tag Archives: art and wellness

Therapeutic Benefits Of Art And Art Therapy

Correct nutrition coupled with exercise appear to be the vogue phrase for promoting wellness and preserving mental health. Other recommendations include having adequate sleep, practicing meditation and relaxation, and being in a good and healthy social sphere. Health and wellness products such as those in abodycandle can also support a healthy lifestyle and wellbeing. Nonetheless, if you’re looking for another venue or means to encourage wellness, specifically for mental health, try giving the arts a try.

How the Arts and Wellness Connect

The relationship between wellness and health and the arts dates back to many years ago.  In actuality, the arts had been increasingly utilized the health and healthcare for the past years. Additionally, one does not need to be an expert in the field of art to reap its benefits.

Creativity is key and it could aid in decreasing the level of stress and anxiety. Engaging in the arts can also avert and prevent depression, promote positive dispositions and emotions, and in several circumstances even improve the function of the body’s immune system.

Furthermore, engaging the arts with other people can establish friendships and supportive relationships. Creativity through the arts is more and more being validated as an effective and powerful approach to handle and deal with various mental issues.

Whether you decide to create art or to simply look at it with delight, art is a calming and awe-inspiring pursuit for numerous people. But, the specific benefits of creative expression go beyond relaxation and amusement.

Art Therapy – What Is it?

Art therapy, according to many studies, can be incredibly valuable and effective in treating mental concerns like post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, and even particular phobias. It is a significant approach to non-verbally communicate emotions, process multifarious feelings as well as to find and attain relief and respite.

Art therapy could be described in several ways, however the easiest way to describe it is the use of visual arts in therapeutically. It isn’t necessary for one to visit a therapist to feel the healing benefits of creative or artistic expression. There are plenty of simple visual art activities that can be done at home like painting, clay sculpting, sketching, photography, and more. Nonetheless, having to closely work with a certified therapist has its benefits as well.  Having a specialist allows for modifications in your art activities for it to be tailored more on your needs.