Tag Archives: doodles

Doodles – An artistic expression of the subconscious

child-1016955_1280Doodles are the expression of our subconscious via the art of scribbling of pen to paper. Doodles are usually free of any conscious concept. We doodle subconsciously when talking over the phone or sometimes during a meeting. We doodle inside the classroom and even while waiting for the waitress to deliver our orders.

Everyone can Doodle

Practically everyone doodles. From your school in the suburbs of Texas to perhaps being an Atlanta Electrician. Every child starts with a doodle – on the wall, on the floor and then eventually on a piece of paper. Doodle brings out your inner child and enhances your creativity. It actually helps the brain when it is over worked and helps it relax by releasing the tension on a piece of paper.

Unleash your child’s creativity

Children finds great joy in doodling and therefore helps them unleash their creativity. Your child senses comfort in drawing shapes lines and circles without necessarily thinking of what they are trying to achieve. Doodling is a free form of art that encourages the child’s artistry which should be later on be encouraged. Doodles do not have to look like some thing. Let your mind wander and let your pen do the doodling. There is just no limit.


Doodles are an awesome way to release stress and relax.

When you seriously begin doodling, you will actually notice how calm and strain loose you feel if you have completed a doodle. As your doodles become greater intricate your feeling of delight will grow and your doodles will turn into works of art. So while your feeling actually pressured, doodle your way to a relaxed state.