How Social Media Affects our Creativity

Architecture, Buildings, City, Cityscape, Down Town

Social Media has been part of our daily lives. We use our social media accounts whenever we are in school, office or even at home. When you take a look at the people around you, you will notice that most of them are on their mobile devices. They are probably texting someone, reading news, browsing the internet, or stalking someone on Facebook, Instagram or twitter. Unfortunately, social media ensures the security of the user. For example, you wan to look the Instagram profile of one person buy you cannot because he/she is private. Fortunately, there are already solutions for you to be able to view the private profile even though you are not following him/her, like the private instagram viewer.  Their tool is not meant to harm anyone or interrupt someones privacy. They think that internet and all the information and data should be available to all for free. Their private Instagram profile viewer  works for everyone and for every smart device out there. After all, you don’t even need to posses Instagram account so you can view all photos and videos of users.

When browse through Instagram or Facebook, you will see that design and visual arts are an essential part of the most favorable media shared on social networks. Sharing images and video content indicates higher engagements and exposure compared with text status on Facebook. Social networks that are based on visual arts and design such as Pinterest have proven success in the social market. Therefore, we should stop blaming ourselves for using our social media accounts as indulgent and start to look at social media from a different perspective to understand how to form this tool for the benefit for our creativity and fuel our talent.

Many social networks started to support different types of media including images, animated GIFs, videos and sound tracks. This extended support allows both designers and artists to explore new ideas, methods and inspirations for their own projects and to venture in to new and more creative business. In the old days, we used to search in huge library of books to learn about specific design style